2023 Impact Report

Over the past 11 years, Candide Group has supported 140+ companies and funds with $275M+ committed or deployed. But why does this matter? What was our actual impact? 

We think of “impact” as our tangible and intangible contributions to improved realities for people and the planet. We’re thrilled to share our 2023 comprehensive Impact Report, which dives into both the “what” and the “how” of impact, including:

  • How we approached data collection from a lens of authenticity and mutuality

  • The eight dimensions where we assess and support impact, from ownership to customers/end-users

  • Data and stories straight from the investees we believe in.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to and supported this report. We’re using the learnings to strategize, dig deeper into individual impact data, questions, and goals from each investee, and decide how these insights can concretely shape our ongoing strategy as a team. We hope you'll continue to join us on the journey of flowing capital to investees, and the vibrant communities they serve!